There have been many things in the news lately that have bothered me, to the point I lay awake in bed at night. No, it is not about Ebola. I do not usually touch hot topics because, sometimes it is just a waste of time. I always think of Paul ( see Matthew 10:14). Also, some things affect people I love dearly and I don't want to go down that road again. However, what really is bothering me are not necessarily the subjects, rather the thought process that involves them. I am nervous putting this out there but, as my good friend says " You cannot trespass yourself". The reason I made this blog was to use it as my therapy, a way to sort the things out in my head. We'll see if I hit the "post" button.
The issue in Houston has really bothered me. Not because of the topic that is causing it, it is the rights that are being taken away. The problem in America and, the world for that matter, is we have allowed the government too much say in our lives. So, let me get this right, we give homosexuals rights but then take others away because they don't agree? This is absolutely wrong. You want to tell pastors to hand over sermons, make them marry people against their own personal convictions or throw them in jail.Hmm. Stalin anyone? Isn't this hypocritical on so many levels? First of all, if you are gay why would you want to go to a church or have a minister marry you if they did not feel the same way you do? Isn't this masochistic? Do we not realize that do the same thing to each other that we accuse the other side of?
The problem is what we think is "right". There is a difference between fair and just. Someone told me about an illustration they once seen. There was a line of kids standing on top of chairs. They were all the same height but, some had boxes. The little ones had more boxes. The ones that had less boxes complained about not having as many boxes under them, Had this been done, they would have been taller. Get my point?
Another is my kids, they always complain, "That is not fair!". No, sometimes it isn't. Sometimes one of them wants a dessert because everyone else does. Well, she would get one had she ate any of her dinner. I heard one time of a mother got tired of this too.She had her kids make a cake. they all got to put in the equal amounts of ingredients because, that was what was "fair". You can guess how the cake turned out.
The movie, The Incredibles, is also a good illustration. Dash, is a fast runner because he is a superhero. His parents do not let him use his talent when he races in school because it would not be "fair". So what? We all have different talents and beliefs we are not all the same, Thank God for it. We all should have the freedom to be able to use those talents and express ourselves without "offending" someone. I teach this to my children. I want them to learn how to deal with opposition, adversity and failure.I cannot stand the sense of entitlement in this society. People will not agree with you, someone else will be better then you sometimes. That doesn't take away from the fact that you have many other things to offer. You can still show integrity in opposition. You can still love people when you disagree, right where they are.
The little town I live in is having a similar problem. They want to take down the nativity and cross placed on city property that has been there for years at certain times of they year. A group would like them to stop it or allow them to put up atheist symbols and the gay flag at certain times of the year. Fine! I say let them do it. As long as everyone is given the right to celebrate their freedom, what is the problem? Why would Houston take such a drastic un-civilized approach? Look, put up your flag. It will not bother me to the point that I have to riot. I am secure in my faith and confident in who I am. I have a problem when you force your beliefs upon me, yes. Don't take away my rights to live the way I want. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord(Joshua 24:15).We would love for you to join us but, He won't make you. If you don't He loves you and we love you anyway. God gave us free will and He is not a master manipulator either (see Genesis 2:17). He didn't put up an electric fence around the tree, He didn't even hide it.
From a Christian perspective, I think the reason the "church" has been so quiet before about issues like this is, we do have such a strong Faith and we know that our fight is not of flesh and bone (see Ephesians 6:12). We take everything to God in prayer (Phillipians 4:6) which is most important, however, the Bible says "Faith without works is dead"(James 2:17). We are secure in God and we trust Him, I know that is why I do not waste my time worrying about this"stuff" and I let Him handle it in prayer. My dearies, she (the church) is awake and she is roaring now. The Bible says that, "there is a time for everything" though (Eccl.3). It is time to not be silent and stand for what is just.
This is why I am so upset about the situation in Houston .If you don't like it don't go to their churches. If you believe in pro-choice fine, Don't make a doctor who doesn't, loose his license because it goes against his personal belief system. Find someone who will. Let's quit bullying each other into making everyone see eye to eye. It will not happen. It's called diversity. What would it be like if we were all robots and agreed on everything? Isn't this like relationship 101? I thought we learned that in Preschool.
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