Dear Christians,
Yes, this is another blog about red cups. But listen. I get your frustration. I really do. However, I have a few thoughts on this subject that may help you.
1. As said many times before, Starbucks has never claimed to be a Christian company. We live in America and they have every right to NOT put something on their products they do not believe in. Just as Chick-fil-a has every right to talk about Jesus because they DO.
2. Jesus does not force himself on anyone. If that were true we would not be having this conversation. Eve would not have eaten the forbidden fruit and our world would not be what it is now.
3.Being mean spirited and boycotting and whatever else just spurs hate. It does nothing productive. Why don't you go and tip that barista a healthy tip and ask her if there is anything you can pray with her for? Maybe this would be the first time she has been introduced to the Savior. We cannot be afraid to be in the world by avoiding it. Please read Roaring Lambs by Robert Briner.
4. If we knew every product/organization/store that stood against Christianity we would probably suck our thumb rocking in a corner. We have to be the light. What are we really afraid of? That reaching out to these people means we agree with them? By buying their products somehow will send us to hell? Do I have to answer this?
5. Now, I know that for some of us this is really an issue. We feel conviction by where we KNOWINGLY put our hard earned dollars. I am one of you. Quite honestly this Starbucks thing does not bother me. I have family that works for them and you have to look at the bigger picture.( Just like our President says this is no longer a Christian nation but, I tell you what he says does not speak for the majority.) Anyway, my point is: speak with your dollars. Not just this issue but, bigger ones. Put your money where your mouth is. Stop supporting companies that do not align with your values if it bothers you that much. The problem is we keep feeding the machine. Nobody wants to sacrifice. " I want my coffee and it has to be Starbucks and they need to feed me Christian ego!"STOP THROWING A TANTRUM AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT THAT WILL MAKE REAL IMPACT AND NOT MAKE YOUR LIFE EASIER. I am not saying that we shouldn't voice, let's just do it in a different way (not by seething hate). I have personally stopped shopping at certain stores or at least cut back my spending at them. Target being one of them (WAHH!!!) again, sacrifice and doing the right things hurts. Victoria's Secret, they employ slaves without shame. I try to intentionally buy from places that I can, that are fair trade. RESALE is a good option. ( LOVE) You are taking care of this great planet that God has given us by not feeding into the pollution of consumerism. There is a lot to be said on this whole subject. It is definitely a lifestyle change but, one I humbly do.
6. Starbucks is fine but, if I go OUT for coffee ( I would rather brew my own fair trade organic at home. Don't tell me that you can't afford that. You just spent $7 on Starbucks.) I like to go to locally owned places. My little town has a great shop that sells great coffee. It goes back into my community and they use the local coffee manufacturers. Win-Win.
7. Why are you going out for coffee THAT much anyway? People are dying. babies are being slaughtered, children are hungry, souls are lost. Put all that money in a fund for a couple of days to buy a family oversees a goat to help support themselves. That is being a true activist.
I love you church. We are better than this. Our hearts long for justice. Let's be His hands and feet in the most positive way. Darkness has to come so we can shine the brightest. So, go get your Starbucks cup. Enjoy it. Nobody is drawn to condemnation and oppression. Let your joy radiate. That is your best witness. And tell your barista she is loved.
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